Managing Your Energy
7 minute read
How do you perform at your best?
By default, adults are busy humans. How many people do you know, when asked how they are, how they’ve been, or what they’ve been up to, reply with something to the effect of: “Just been busy!” or “There aren’t enough hours in the day”?
Everyone gets busy, stressed, tired, and overwhelmed–it’s a part of being human. And since we can’t get more hours in the day, what are some ways we can manage our energy?
How can you perform at your best?
Performing well goes beyond school and grades. You’re more than just a student—you have multiple roles that need your attention. It’s important to learn how to manage your energy because our overall health is affected by a lack of energy in four different ways.
Physical — sleep, diet
Mental — focus, concentration, memory
Emotional — mood, expression
Spiritual — fulfillment, values, relationships
Managing physical energy
One key area that factors into our physical energy is sleep. Americans sleep, on average, about six hours a night, but most adults need 8-10 hours to perform at their best. The amount of sleep you get directly impacts your energy levels in all four categories.
Prioritize getting a little more sleep each night, even if it’s by starting with getting 30 minutes more sleep.
Managing mental energy
We always have thousands of stories running through our heads on an endless loop. Some may be true, some may be lies, but they’re always there. The key is how they contribute to our mental energy. Are those stories positive or are they discouraging?
Tell yourself stories that give you energy rather than take energy away. Instead of “School is so hard and this professor is so boring, I’m miserable,” try “School is challenging, but I’m learning a lot and am so thankful for this opportunity.”
Managing emotional energy
Emotional energy is mood driven. It’s all about the energy you get from your feelings and emotions. To boost your emotional energy, take a look at the things that leave you feeling tired and drained and consider how you can decrease how much time they take up in your life. Then, think about the moments when you’ve felt the happiest or the most excited–can you add or include more of that?
Make part in anything that alters your mood in a positive way: music, hobbies, playing with your kids or pets, exercise—boost those endorphins!
Managing spiritual energy
Spiritual energy is mission driven. It’s all about purpose and values. If you can identify your values and align them with what you do, you have a deep well of potential in front of you. Everyone who has changed the world has had a wealth of spiritual energy—Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Theresa, Mahatma Gandhi—and it’s something that’s available to anyone!
Serve a purpose bigger than yourself and use your energy in line with your Mission. Maybe it’s through the career or degree you’re pursuing or maybe it’s through a volunteer opportunity. You might change the world, even if just a little bit.
Time to boost your energy
Managing your energy is critical to your success as a student. It’s more than getting good grades and passing tests; it’s about looking at yourself as a whole person and all of the factors that impact how you experience the world.
Get more sleep. Tell yourself positive stories. Participate in mood-boosting activities. Align what you do with your values.
Applying any combination of these methods can help you get a good start on managing your energy output and have a positive effect on all areas of your life.