Support = Success
Our students are filled with determination. Explore their stories below.
Student Spotlight

Alejundro works in customer service at a call center where he is enrolled in a cost-free program offered by his company in association with Bellevue University. His Success Coach is currently helping him to complete his Bachelor of Science in Call Center Operations & Management.

Shawanna is a single mother of three children who had dreams of becoming a physician’s assistant after receiving her Associates in Radiology. She tried taking classes periodically but eventually had to postpone her decision to complete her bachelor’s degree after experiencing challenges.

Student success story Leon shares how ReUp coaching and making life changes helped him recover from setbacks and get back on track with his college education.

Selena is working toward her dream of becoming a nurse and is motivated by being a role model for her son. She currently lives near Kalamazoo, MI and has been working with her Success Coach since December 2018.